Our visits with Peyton have been going very well. We are blown away by how God is moving in our times together. Recently he began pushing boundaries and testing us. He was a little rowdy Tuesday where we had to take a certain toy away from him. He was not happy about it at all, but didn't overly act out about it. Right after that it was time for us to go and then the next day (yesterday)it was raining and we were going to have to stay inside for the whole 2 hrs, in the little play area with lots of balls, physical therapy stuff, and broken toys. He gets more active when in there for some reason. I was praying for God to make the visit a good one, where Peyton was able to be calmed and less chaotic in there. I prayed that we would be able to hold his interest in things so that he was not running from thing to thing or getting out of hand. God totally made it happen! He was calmer than we had seen him and we had some special moments. He found Erick could play the piano and he wanted him to play. So Erick sat there and wrote a soothing song and Peyton would get memorized by it. It was so cool. The visit went well.
Today we were able to go back outside and it went really well too, again he was a little calmer than normal. We brought him gummybears today. he shared with is class then the caregiver let him take the rest outside with us. He sat there and ate them. This was a great smooth start to our visit. He kept himself busy pretty easily. At one point he raked up leaves into a pile and then cleaned them up. Similarly, he raked up a pile of sand on the ground outside the sandbox and put it back in the box. He is very diligent in his work. He is good at projects.
During the 2nd visit today, after a while he was wanting to do something that would not be very safe and I said no, but he kept trying to get me to help him do it. He got a little upset and had a mini fit, but I picked him up, held him and said gently, no no no, not safe, it's ok. He calmed down. Then soon after he went and started doing what I said no to. I stopped him and he got more upset. He threw more of a fit. But again, I picked him up and went and sat down with him this time. We did the "time in" thing (instead of time-out), where I hold him on my lap in loving discipline, containing him and gently speaking to him about keeping him safe, loving him, and how to behave. He was whining but after a while he was fine. I am soooo thankful I learned of this technique from others!!! Then he got busy playing. Soon after, the Director came over and after a few minutes of trying to understand each other, we realized she wanted Peyton to sit and do some coloring. He came right over and sat down to color. Very obedient! Then after he was done with what she said to do, he was ready to run off again. We were able to get him to stay and do some more on another page though. Then he wanted to go off and play somewhere else. I told him to clean up the mess he already made from playing earlier and he did. Right after, Erick pulled out the video we made b4 we left of the kids and my mom and sis saying hi to him. It caught his attention b4 he could run off and he had to watch it a few times over. He really liked it and waved back at Babushka really excitedly one of the times! Then this led to him being intrigued with the tablet computer. So we showed him angry birds, he got a kick out of that. It took us a while to get him to do it right, but he had fun. He loves the technology we carry around. He always wants to see my phone and push all the buttons on it. At the end of this visit we turned some worship music on and he carried the phone around listening to it. I picked him up and we spun around dancing to the music. He loved this! A little piece of heaven for this mama!

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