OK so we finally got it in the mail, overnighted to receive by 10am!!! Step 1 complete... here goes step 2!
Step 1: Home study
Step 2: USCIS approval
Step 3: Dossier submission
Step 4: Travel to country to adopt Peyton- Country Approval
Step 5: Bring Peyton Home!
We were hoping this step would only be like 6 wks, but we have heard that USCIS currently has a 2 MONTH BACKLOG!!! Blah!!! So who knows what will happen. Pray that they get us in the system fast to get fingerprints and a case worker ASAP. We have requested an expedited approval due to the country's possible changes which I mentioned previously... More info on that has recently come out as well... The country is still accepting things as normal until mid June. Then at that point it is not clear if they will shut things down for a while or not. Nothing may happen or closing may happen, who knows. Which means if we don't get USCIS approval fast enough to get our dossier finished and shipped, translated, and submitted by mid June, we might not be getting Peyton anytime soon!!! Please pray for a quick approval and for no closure of adoptions in his country!!! I had mapped out our timeline and it looked like we might be able to submit by June 8th, but this is if USCIS does it's thing within 6 wks time.
We have Peyton's orphanage address now and we have been given permission to send him a package. They did not give any rules as to what we could send or not (besides perishables of course). So we are thinking of what to put in there and will try to get that shipped off soon so that he knows we are trying to get there and to give him some hope of that!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
ReplyDeleteI am a fellow RR hopeful adoptive parent, and I was intrigued at how you got permission to send a package....can you email me at theweimans at verizon dot net and let me know?
Praying for a quick USCIS approval as well. We sent it off a week and a half ago....we were told 75 days!!! Got our senator involved and they are trying but we are not sure it will help....