However today I write with frustration and low spirit. Just got our USCIS stuff returned to us in the mail. Somehow I sent them the wrong amt of money so they gave everything back. I have no idea how I managed to do that. It is so upsetting. So later today I will go re-overnight this to them. We are now adding another almost 3wks to the timeline!!! This might mess up everything!
I know God has a plan and he knows what is going on. I know his timing is perfect and his will is best. Yet, it is hard living in the unknown when it comes to rescuing your son and the ability to do so might come to an end because of govt workings.
We also had all our dossier papers notarized over the weekend. I just found out today that half of them need to be redone. We also need to now have 3 copies of something that before only needed 2 copies of. So we will be going through paperwork yet again! They also want some of the papers now ASAP, so we need to get them done and apostilled and shipped ASAP.
I am so tired of all this paperwork, so many legalities, it drives a person bonkers.
Pray that this time the USCIS stuff is right and goes through quickly, pray for favor! We are still unsure of what changes might take place in June in his country. Pray it stays open!!!!! We most likely will no longer be able to submit in June, more like July at the earliest. So instead of the summer, we will prolly not get him till the Fall :(
Anyway, i will go ahead and share the pic...

so ready to hug this precious boy!!!
I'm sorry, Chrissy. How frustrating! Praying for a quick USCIS approval once they get everything.